On Chapter 8, Research for Conservation Theme, you wrote "Your own drawings of butterflies would also be good". I have therefore painted a few Dorset butterflies (we didn't manage to get to a butterfly farm).
No. 1 - A3 version of 'fluttery'
Background crayon and painted over with blue Brusho. Top layer scrunched up tissue paper painted with purple Brusho.
No. 2 - A3 version of 'expelled and attracted'
Undersheet crayoned over string shapes and painted over with blue Brusho. Top sheet scrunched up tissue paper painted with Brusho and PVA glue.
No. 3 - A3 version of 'regeneration'
Undersheet rubbed with crayon over flower plastic base and painted with Brusho. Butterflies candle-rubbed over string and painted with Brusho.
No. 4 - A3 version of 'regeneration'
Undersheet rubbed with different coloured crayons over flower plastic base. Top sheet rubbed with candle over string and painted with Brusho.
No. 5 - (Undersheet) Crayoned with wax pastels. Crayoned again over flower plastic base and stamped with flower and butterfly shapes.
No. 6 - A3 version of 'expelled and attracted'
For undersheet, see No. 5. Top sheet, representing sky, painted with Brusho and bleach used to make the 'clouds'. Butterflies riubbed over plastic flower base.